When Natalie's godchild is killed, she demands vengance from Nick, whose ethics clash with what she wants. He has a flashback to when he was unfairly hung.
Flash back time again, boys and girls!
Nick has taken out his revenge on a second man responsible for his hanging. He's at the Inn, having just dispensed with the gent. Wiping his mouth, Nicholas slowly looks up and proceeds to step cautiously over the slain form on the floor. To confront: (Our Favorite, Voyeuristic, Walking Orgasm) LaCroix...standing, smirking, near the entrance way.
N: [annoyed] "What are you doing here?" (What? Caught with, fangs, in the proverbial 'cookie jar'?)
LC: "You know that I'm never very far away from you." [grin] (But why, Uncle?)
Shot of the dead man.
LC: "Tsk--Vengeance...[Nick looks away, ashamed] Are you satisfied?" [moving forward]
N: "I did what I had to do."
LC: "Oh, of course, hmmn. An eye for an eye, and all that." (With dripping sarcasm.) [still moving forward]
N: "Yes." [terse, serious]
LC: (Taunting the lad.) "WelI I can't say that I don't approve." [smiling again] (I like how LaCroix looks around here, as if he's just pondering aloud on this next remark.) "But tell me Nicholas. Why do you think they accused...[now staring at his son] you, of killing the woman?"
N: "It was all hearsay." [fidgeting, looking away]
LC: "Indeed. Started by whom...I wonder?"
(It takes Brickster a moment to pick up on this inference. He then shoots a glare at LaCroix. A wide grin is spread across the elder's face, accompanied by a delightful eyebrow arch of <Yup. Me...boy.> NK realizes he, once again, has been tricked into performing for his master's amusement.)
Nick turns away.
LC: "Oh, come come. [stepping closer, to stop directly behind his child] You wouldn't want them to know who really did it, would you?" (A slight laugh escapes him, so thoroughly is he enjoying this toying with Nikkie.) "Well, look at you now, you're guilty of the same crime that they are." (Yes Nick, revenge from hearsay. Remember?) "You do entertain me Nicholas, betraying your own high minded ideals." (Read <How dare you think you are better than me!>) "I knew you had it in you. Well done!"
He then turns and walks off, chuckling at the obvious distress he's put his child in. (LaCroix is so wonderfully filled with his own giddy satisfaction.)
OF,V,WO loves watching his Nicholas 'twist in the wind'. Oh yeah, just like every father and mentor I know, right! ;-[)
Gleefully to herself: "So much time, sooo many episodes."
Write to Jules at [email protected]
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