Plagued by the random killings, all pointing to an unknown vampire, Nick finds himself embroiled in a situation involving an out of country officer, O'Neal. A man who seems to be here from Scotland to find the one currently causing all the slayings. Only NK discovers he is out to kill one of his own kind, and any others he can find. Initially, it's someone Nick is responsible for still being in exsistence, someone who LaCroix asked him to dispose of long ago...
Flashback: Far from the light, Nicholas descends the cold, stone stairway. He finds Janette tending to a feverishly ailing LaCroix. His master has been grossly affectly by the bad blood he has recently ingested, from the creature we will come to know as Jack The Ripper, The Barber. LC, prone and dysfunctional, begs his son to help him. To kill off the one he, himself, couldn't finish. LaCroix grasps at the front of his child's shirt, pleading for his assistance. His request is met with a flippant dismissal. Nick informs the two of them that he is planning on leaving for America, within the next two days.
Current day:
J: [walking to the Raven's counter] "Telephone please." [LaCroix, too, stands at the bar, off to the side]
LC: [seductively] "Make sure he gets here, just before sunrise." [he runs his right index finger across Janette's bare back, she pauses, turns away, and then continues to dial the phone.]
Nick comes in. Rushing down the club's stairs, anxious.
J: "Can I get you a drink, Nicolas?" [casually, from the other side of the bar]
N: "It's nearly sunrise." [looking down]
J: "That never stopped you before..."
N: "Janette!" [Nick abruptly turns to look over his shoulder, pausing, and re-turns back to the woman before him]
J: "He's in the back room."
Nick walks quickly away, towards the door to the left.
NK now strides purportly through the double door. Stringed music fills his ears, Janette follows close at his heels. They both greet an intent LaCroix bowing his Rebec. At their entrance their master halts his playing and rises slightly to look at his two children standing before him.
N: "So this is where you have been hiding." [snippishly]
LC: "I don't hide. Janette has been kind enough to offer me shelter. As she will you. The sun [glancing up] has risen [he grins]. (I've got you trapped now, Nikkie boy.)
N: "What do you want?!" (Trying his best feigned gallantry.)
LC: "I want nothing from you, this time, Nicholas. I'm here to help you. The Irishman." [eyebrows raise]
N: "O'Neal."
J: "He knows us, he can sense our presence." [she crosses between the pair, to stand at LC's right] "He has our insight."
N: "How?"
LC: "He was nearly one of us. A...half drained mortal."
N: "Like the Barber." [sarcastically]
J: "Except that O'Neal did not taste enough vampire blood. He never came fully across and so he became a hunter."
LC: "Yes, a hunter who pursues us now. He pursues you, to avenge his family. Nicholas," [ahem] "I'm doing this for you." (Lightly in tone, but Uncle gives it a very heavy meaning.)
N: "Doing what!?"
LC: "Arranging for him to meet our Barber friend. Your mistake." (Taunting his child once more, reminding him of his relapse of judgement.)
N: [turning to walk away] "I want none of this." (Who does Brickster thing he's fooling with all this pretense?)
LC: [stepping around Janette, raising his voice] "Isn't that what you said the last time? When I asked you to kill him for me?" [Nick has paused in his retreat, his back still to the pair] "Oh, don't worry Nicholas. It's all taken care of." [NK looks across his shoulder. His master is directly behind him, with Janette close at hand] (It's two against one, kiddo!)
N: "By bringing me here before sunrise?" [snapping
around, hissing to LaCroix] (Read
LC: "And by magic, hmm." [lifting his right hand to disperse an unknown substance through his thumb and forefinger] "Fairy dust." [Nick watches the falling particles, confused] "Just a sprinkle. But it's enough to rid us of someone who would destroy us. Soy...bean...residue." [NK closes his eyes and shakes his head slightly] "Does it look familiar?"
N: "You planted it." [regaining his determination to stare back into his master's eyes] "At the murder scenes, to get me to bring O'Neal, to your creation."
LC: [stoically, slowly] "Clever boy..."
(We rejoin our little blond hormonal puppy now seated in a comfy chair, fingers bridged in concentration.)
LC: That's right, Nicholas you should get some rest, wheels are in motion. There's nothing you can do."
LaCroix, as he finishes speaking, crosses to sit on the arm of the chair to NK's left. Janette comes to flank his right, stretching her arm along the seat's back. Nick looks towards her movement, deep in thought.
OOOOH...What UFfishly enhanced deeds may follow!
My mind is an UF turmoil...
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